Will my Tivo box work with the Allied Telesis cable box?
Currently the Tivo box does not support the Allied Telesis SD or HD set top box. We are in the process of trying to get Tivo to add the Allied Telesis.
Does Allied Telesis make an M card (Multi-stream CableCARD) that can be used in the newer Tivo boxes?
Allied Telesis uses a Verematrix Cable Card. Tivo does not support the manufacturer.
How many channels will we have?
We offer 90+ basic channels, including AFN (free of charge) and another 40+ premium channels for subscribers. Please see the individual plan options for more details.
Will I be able to watch prime time TV programming during prime time?
You will be able to watch your favorite TV shows at their intended viewing times. New “time-shift servers” will be installed by AAFES so that prime time shows are broadcast in prime time. News and sports programming will continue to be broadcast i...
I like to record programs for later viewing. Will this be available?
Yes, in conjunction with AAFES, you are now able to purchase Tivo personal DVR boxes to record your favorite shows and play them back when you want. The Tivo box comes with many additional features, so please stop by the AAFES store to get your Ti...
Why can’t we get some of the more popular stateside channels like HBO and Disney?
While the Air Force Base at Yokota is U.S. jurisdiction, it resides on Japanese soil, and is therefore ultimately governed by international copyright laws. Many U.S. content providers do not have international rights to broadcast in Japan. We go t...